Friday, December 31, 2010

Hari Malas Sedunia!

Hari ni aku nak wat pengumuman~bahawasanya hari jumaat terakhir pada tahun 2010 ini adalah hari kemalasan yang sunggoh cemerlang dalam hidup aku..~tak penah secemerlang cmni~..haih..awal pagi arini supposed aku ade appointment with dentist kul 9.30 pg...( nway by right appment aku esoknye : sbb kan doc Zarin tu nak kene la selit2 tarikh tarikh lain yang mane "dan" bile jd penyelit kene la dtg awal kan ) dgn perasaan beriya aku set alarm malam smlm diiringi perasaan berjiwe tekad nak terpacak ontime depan pintu klinik~alih alih kantoi gak..padan lah muke aku yg suke snooze consequence nye..aku kene tunggu lame gile kat klinik tu!!!..dr pkul 10 smpi nak dkat kul 12 tak panggil-panggil..dah macam macam aksi aku buat dalam klinik tu..kuak lentang..kuak kupu kupu..berenang berirama..berenang secara berkumpulan~ ok ok enuf..merepek .tu sindrom yg ketara betol nak menipu ~ betapa nak menunjukkan keboringan aku smpi tahap tak tahu nak browse hape dah kat ipong aku ni..grrr..en Somi pon dah bising..kul 12.30 nak g smyg jumaat nak tanak dengan ala ala catwalk aku berjalan menuju ke kaunter lantas dgn sedeh aku mengeluarkan kata kata berbaur "cancel" next epoinmen je la yek Doctor..see ya!! ~ sambil lambai lambai ala model ~

tetibe assistant Doc tu usik usik aku.."nak cepat ni nak jumpe boipreng la tu"..erk..boipreng hape..elok je en somi aku dok kat atas krusi sambil muke pon dah separoh ketat..dgn muke terkejut dorg reply.."ko dah kawen ke??".. ~ haa..part ni best..part ni best..: mode lompat lompat :~ dgn sedikit kuat voice volume aku.."yep..aku dah kawen! tu haa..en Somi aku "..haaaaaa...ekceli bukan la aku nak show off sgt tapi indeed im doing so purposely aku tujukan kat sorg girl freehair who is wearing sexy short green shirt yg dok belakang aku td..dari tadi dok jeling jeling tajam kat aku everytime aku dok bergurau gurau , dok letak tgn aku atas kaki en aku tak salahkan girl tu pon..sbb forsure 101% dlm pikiran die dok berkata-kata = "pakai tudung tp gedik ngan jantan"..
cume...heyhoo young sista! im married! talk to the hand!
derrr..puhlis la..since wearing hijab ni..aku slalu menghadapi masalah begini bile holding hand or hugging each other with en somi setiap kali kuar..mesti akan ade yg pandang2 dan jeling2 tajam pd aku.. ~ sengal der ~

ok..then back to the topic..
then chiow balik damansara..dalam keta beriye en somi make a plan..~balik ni kite kemas rumah..mop lantai..lap itu ini okeh..~aku pon angguk angguk solehah..pehh..mmg patot pon rumah aku tu kene belasah harini..weekdays mmg tak sempat lgsung aku nak belasah die..makin melampau dah skrg..heeii..tatau nak jd ape..hish hish..
smpi2 rumah..aku trus masuk bilik~letak barang2..then..B.A.R.I.N.G atas katil...mata berat jeee.."boleh tak tido kejap?" en somi pandang tepat tak hingat muke aku..mati!kompom kene tiaw ape nak jadi..jadila..serius aku malassss sgt harini..then en somi senyum..tutupkan lampu..pasangkan aircond..siap tutupkan pintu..suh aku tido kejap..fuhhh!!tengyu lebiyu en somi.. ;)
dalam hati aku~gile kejam punye bini..ko hingat ko DIVA? MEM BESAW? ~ so tung~tang~tung~tang en somi bersilat sorang2 kat luar bilik..aku pon tatau ape en somi kompom satu pakej ~sapu,mop,lap~
tapi tu la..puas aku guling guling cam tenggiling kiri ke kanan kanan ke kiri nak dekat 30 minit..tamau gak tido..padan la muke pon..dose okeh pn zura ! dah dah bangun skrg !! so atas kesedaran sivik..aku pon bangun join kemas bilik.. :)
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Whoa...~ im saying it LOUD!! do u hear it?

fuuuhhhh..fuuuhhhh..dah berabuk blog aku neh !
dah bersarang..merayap2 labah labah sume.. ;) make it short !
dengan banggenye aku nak gtau..aku dah kawen ! ~ On 1st April 2010 harituh..
sepatutnye mengikut plan asal..our solemnization will be on 3rd April..
~ heh! bukan kes tak sabar because of thingy2 yang tak dpt dielakkan..
nikah koboi i can say ! venue was at PPUM ~ wad ICU.. hurmmmm...
hurmm..~ change mood ~ (T,T)
sgt la sedeh..

Khamis,1st April 2010

i was about to hang out with my mak n ayah that time..
i think nak cr last minute items for wedding preparation kot..ngam ngam soi baru kuar rumah..i got a call from shahril n duhh..sooo touching! he was crying and asked me immediately come to PPUM ..i was like .."hah! what happened?"..
a lot of things played inside my cute brain box ! ~ cute keh?
whereas..baru semalam aku lepak lepak ngan his mom while cut her nails ..
that time mmg sgt bengkak kaki still aku rase ..yeps..she can fight!
.malam tu jugak her few friends dtg melawat..ade yg menangis..ade yg mintak maaf ..but as usual..she was act ceria..hepi..sempat melawak even she had no energy at all..~ mama..i salute yu..indeed! mama mmg tabah!

~ then smpi spital..aku trus berlari masuk ke ICU..i saw shahril was crying at one of corner..he cant talk..he cant say anything to me..then aku trus jumpe his mom..haih..the sebak~est part was ~
his mama immediately senyum and asked me so many sequences of question regards with wedding preparation..
"zura..mak mana?"..immediately my mak trus rapat ke katil..
she continue asked whether evrything was settled or instead..
and still continue..
"papa...baju papa time kawen along tak amik lagi"
"zura..yang tu dah siap?.." i was like ~
~ wuuuuuuuuu..mama..u dont have to think all those things at this moment please..~
after a short discussion among ayah and shahril's fam..
they got consensus utk cepatkan our nikah..
whoa! i looked my self..jeans and tight shirt..dah macam nak ke pasar malam!
so bit rushing..sup sap sup n shahril like intelligent chicken run sambar kereta trus feeling feeling Michael Schumacher balik rumah n salin baju nikah..
and same goes to mak ayah tp mak ayah aku tak la lari balik umah utk salin baju nikah..
cume dorg went to Jawi for kidnapped Tok Kadi .. ;P
hurmm..arrived at spital around 5 smthing..hurmm..wah ! what a surprise!
masuk masuk bilik icu tu..dah terbentang carpet and small stage and pillows..
khas utk our solemnozation..~ tengs for those who helped me arranging all these ~
right after nikah..both of us trus salam mama..that was my first time aku panggil "mama"..~ eh tak la..tipu je..sebelum2 ni aku ade gedik gedik terbabas terpanggil mama..then aku malu sndiri..hehe..walaupon mama mmg byk kali bahasekan diri die as lidah aku kelu malu nak panggil mama..hehe..

right after that..mama was transfered to gine ward..
i can hear her voice lagi that time..borak skit2 dgn all relatives..
pas maghrib..mama was slowly unconscious..
only her deep breath can be hear..smpi la around kul 10 lebih..
nurse was took off patient monitor machine and all the tubes..
she said..there's nothing can be done unless pray for miracle n recite a yassin next to her..
time tuh..i saw shahril was strong enough..he keep reciting yassin next to mama..same goes to papa..around pkul 1 pagi..all guests were left..
tinggal lah kami bertige continue reading yassin..
3am..nafas mama semakin slow..jarak jarak..
until 6 ++ am..semakin slow n slow..
8++am..Jumaat..mama was passed away ..
i dont know why..
i cant stand my self..ive cried cried and cried..
can u close we were..
since aku dgn shahril..i've won her heart compared to shahril..
tiap2 minggu kami balik bersame dr putrajaya ke kl..gosip itu ini..
( and of cos ade gosip psal you ye..Incik Husband )..heheh..
wherever aku kesana sini..soping ke ape ke..mesti dgn aku..
smpi kan if mama travel abroad..she will buy me a lot of gifts..huhu..
smpaikan shahril get jeles okeh.. ;P
haih..she leave us sgt sgt cpt i guess..hurmmm..
but..evrythg happened for a reason.. :)
al fatihah mama..
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

tadek mood nak wat keje!

hoo-ray !! 2 days more to go..huhu..sgt tadek mood nak buat satu hape keje dah pon neh!!even satu application coding pon tak display kat dekstop...instead of facebook n blogspot..hehe..gile pemalas!! hish tapi haku dah janji nak edit one part..okeh okeh..will buat nnt la..nak hooray hooray dulu..
haiyo..sounds hepy huh?? ouh nope..frankly say not sooo excited gile pon...instead,working here sgt sgt not bad racist!! no stalker!! no kepochi!! everyone is bz with their own kain!!sgt best! can browse around..facebook..blogging ( like im doing now )..chit chat..all can la..nobody will interrupt u as long as ur keje siap with kindhearted and compassionate boss with sekepala sad!! T_T - H.E.A.V.E.N!!
but the happiest thing is..ill move forward another step!! of cos la hepi..hepi hepi yippie!!
BUT...not-so-fun arr?? working environment and new obstacles are saying hye to heavy2 task are smiling to me now!! "welkam welkam" big responsibility on my shoulder soon..takut jugak!!! so better enjoy this remaining hepi moments..
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

serba salah dgn boss haku..

ouh..serba salah..
today..i need to go to jb due to some nak apply cuti,cuti aku dah tadek coz aku tak entitle to get all leave la since aku nak benti aku try la ask my bos dulu..erm..ask for his opinion..super duper tak sangke..he's sooo sporting boss ever..( but die mmg sporting pon ).. cume haku rase mesti korg pon tak caye as a boss..he can help me out smpi camni skali..serba salah sgt..

me: assalammualaikum
bos : w'salam...
bos : yup
me: zura nak mntak balik half day harini..nak balik jb
bos : wokeh....
me: ermm...kalau org lain tanye nak ckp ape?sbb cuti dah abees.
bos : sapa tanya?
me: erm..kalau potong gaji pon takpe la..zura tak masalahnye gaji plak dah dpt
bos : takpe.....
bos : kalau org kecoh i jawab
me: ermmm
bos : dah kena belanja 3 kali la camni hehehhe
me: hahaha..ermm...
bos : ok la takpe....nanti i punch out utk zura
me: erk..lg la tamau..dah le boss..
bos : jgn risau..nanti i punch out
me: ermm...adeh..serbe salah nye
bos : ala takpe ler....biasa la tu..emergency kan
me: tu la
bos : takpe jgn risau....
me: huhuhu..okies..thx sgt2
bos : kul brapa nak gerak
me: blik dlm around kul 4 lebih cmtu la kot
bos : ok..jln elok2....
me: okies
bos : nanti apa2 hal call i
me: okies,,,thx..
bos : no ader kan?
me: ermm..tadek kot
bos : 019-*******
me: okies..tq tq
bos : zura punyer?
me: 012-*******
me: ermmm...ok..sori eh susahkan bos..
bos : takpe...

sgt serba salah.. :( ye la..eventhough he's quite i dun want to take advantage on him dah byk kali die tolong cover haku..time haku nak tender resign harituh pon..die teman kan haku kat bilik bos utk back up haku..time haku nak g tempah dewan pon,die coverkan..
harituh while i was down..nampak super serabut..he texted me and asked why..he tot that i was facing any work related prob..he asked me to tell him la kan if got any..actually that time haku tgh serabut cr keje..tak logik lak haku nak citer..
haih..seriusly..i bet i wont get bos as him now in future..
but what to do..i need to find my way for my own sake..but if there's one boss camni utk i later..means concern as him now..super appreciate lah.. super duper sporting..hensem of cos..haha..( yup..bliv me k..tinggi..putih..pakej okej..huhu )..haaa..dun get wrong k!!he's just kind of concern bos towards his staff..enuff!

thx sgt2..dunno how to repay u boss..surely gonna mish ur kindness once i move..
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Perasaan Atau Perasan??

hepiyyy lunch to olls... so lazy to go out for lunch..super duper malas..
then end up with buying megi goreng kat cafe Pos ni je la and tapaw makan kat meja..hehe..
sedap?hurmm..ok la for person yg not fussy cam haku ni..belasah je labu..
uhh..haku dah totally no mood to do any task here la..come on zura..u got 1 week++ more buat keje!! hehe..
huh!!awal2 pagi lg haku dah meluat satu badan ngan sorg minah that i can call her as "MP"..minah perasan..well..i dun care la what ever she expressed on her blog..cume..she was act like she 's most beautiful girl in this world smpi sanggup kutuk2 pompuan lain..haih..atr statement the girl lebey kurg camni la - "pompuan tu tak cantik cam haku la".."sume lelaki suke kat haku".."bos syg haku dari kau sbb haku lg cantik dari kau".."pompuan tu muke bla bla".."patotla tadek lelaki suke kau sbb muke kau bla bla".."patot la bf bf org sume suke aku sbb aku cantik"..ade je yg die nak condemn other girl..sume melibatkan kecantikan..actually i dun even knw her..mayb she dedicate these to someone..tapi kalau dah sume pompuan kau kutuk..haih lawa sgt ke kau??. ..actually,i love to read others terbace la blog die aku pon try la search her FB using email address stated there..naaaaaaaaa!!! what the heck babe! seriusly,i tot cantek sgt smpi berani mati kutuk2 other girls..okeh..okeh..i dun want to comment anything la kan..coz apepe pon pasted on her face was given by HIM ..yup she's perfect but got no package! so kan lebih baik if u just down to earth..kan lebih nice what..dari kutuk2 then end up org tau gak u cmne.. haih..

i used to face this kind of girl before..from my opinion la..pompuan yg grednye tak berape nak A or B yg selalu express statement2 puji diri sndiri neh n kutuk2 pompuan2 lain..why ahh?? agaknye tired of waiting compliments kot..lambat sgt..haa..hamik..puji diri sndiri lg cepat..angkat bakul, lambung tinggi2..
aiyak..!! cool la babe..
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Friday, October 23, 2009

alhamdullilah..rezeki ku.. :)

Yippppeeeyy...smlm adalah antara hari yang menggembirakan aku..ape yg aku aimed dari dulu is now in my hand..alhamdullilah.. ;) some ppl around me noticed..lately ni mmg haku tension+pressure..there are a lot of things playing in my head..smpi headache2.. dok pk je CAMNE NI?MENGAPE?BILE?SMPI BILA?..then smlm..evrything was a bit released and answered..smpi ofis smlm,haku wat aktiviti cam biase cam biase..melayan facebook dulu..browsed sana browsed sini..tup tap tup tap..around kul 10 call from unknwn number...ermm..haku dah terdetik dah,ni mesti ade kol suh interview lagi neh..aiyak..cuti dah tggal sehari je..hari isnin depan ade interview ngan Exxon Mobil lg.. :(..takpela..angkat je la..since haku pon mmg desperate nak cr keje,angkat fon..ade suare lemah lembut..
"assalamualaikum..boleh bercakap dgn cik Khaizura Bt Khalid"
aku pon iye kan la...
"ok..saya Pn Zana dari Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya , permohonan cik untuk jawatan Pegawai Teknologi maklumat F41 telah berjaya"
haku cam antara sedar tak sedar sgt ape die cakap..sbb haku dok tggu die ckp waktu n date interview cam tergamam laa..
since aku diam je..die pon smbung..
"so saya nak pastikan alamat cik untuk saya pos kan surat tawaran"
haaah?? surat tawaran ?? Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya??terus aku mencelah..
"jap kak..akak dari PPUM??ni untuk jawatan pegawai teknologi maklumat tu ke??saya berjaya?? ish ye ke kak??"
akak tu leh gelakkan aku lg.. #P la..tak percaye sungguh..
"iye dik..adik dah berjaya . 2 nov ni adik lapor diri ye"
haku rase cam nak menjerit jeee...totally i didnt put any hope at all pada interview harituh..
actually haku pon dah lupe psal PPUM ni..
ye be honest,i didnt make any preparation for the interview..even sebenarnye aku dah dpt surat interview tu sebulan awal..tapi aku peram kan je kat dlm almari..sehari sebelom interview baru aku kol mak haku nak konfemkan date interview psal nak apply cuti..
then mase interview tuh..aku tgk candidates lain sume dok sibuk bace2 nota...3 perempuan,yg lain sume brader2..ade ar dlm 20 org..aku tau dorg bukan setakat dtg kosong..masing2 seems mmg berkaliber..berkot dan ber-tie..
super duper kecut perut aku..hish..takleh jadik ni..satu hape aku tatau sal PPUM ni..aku trus kol ofismate aku,emey..suh die carikan info psal PPUM kat internet..kire PJJ la..tapi syg..pc die asik "hang" je mase tu..takpela..dpt skit pon jdik la..thx u..
masuk2 bilik interview..ade 5 org interviewer..Otai otai sume..mmg sah sah dorg tanye sal PPUM ngan UM..ape kaitan due2 organisasi tuh..yg tu aku dpt jawab skit..pastu die tanye soalan2 tricky..nape nak masuk PPUM..tak takut H1N1 ke?? ( glup..takkan la aku nak jawap..tak takut..kebal sgt ke aku.. ) then dorg tanye haku..ape faedahnye dorg amik aku keje situ..ape kaitan Hospital ( x-ray ) ngan IT? mcm2 la..then haku takleh lupe soalan ni smpi bile2..dgn muke2 yg agak ganas dan sinis,dorg shoot question-
"PPUM ni under kementerian mane?"
(adeh..aku pon ikut logik aku je la..dah name pon PPUM tu hospital..mesti la kementerian kesihatan kan kan..hehe..konfiden haku jawab..
"kementerian kesihatan")
terus muke2 interviewer tu berubah..lime lime pandang haku semacam..trus haku kene sound..
"tak buat preparation ke sebelom dtg sini?kamu yakin ke kementerian kesihatan?"
haku pon terkulat2 jawab..
"salah ke?erm..kementerian ape ekk?"
dorg cakap dorg tanak gtau haku..dorg suh balik tu cari kat internet.. #P malu gilee haku..pastu interviewer lelaki lak tanye haku..bile pk cam tak logik lak soalan die..tapi dorg pedulik hape kan..soalannye -
"apa persediaan kamu 6 bulan sebelom kamu dtg temuduga PPUM ni..?"
..dgn sopan haku pon jawab..
"saya baru dpt surat tawaran ni sebulan lepas,jadi saya tak buat apepe preparation 6 months bfore"
sekali lagi muke interview tu pandang sinis..haku?? haku tetap senyum..fake smile okeh..
so balik tu haku frust sgt..keep blame myself la..tu la..sape suh tak prepare..sibuk ber-online shopping..mmg nyesal gile laaaa... :(
so bile dapat kol dr PPUM ni..haku sgt2 terkejut..tak sangke..btol la..dah rezeki tu tak kemane..bile dah dpt position ni haku rase cam kecil jee..dorg2 yg dtg interview tu agaknye lagi power2..apepepon,haku bersyukur alhamdullilah..tambahan lagi..myb kejayaan haku ni sbb mak ayah haku jugak..mak ayah aku mmg tak putus2 doa utk haku..nak harapkan haku je..faham2 je la..terima kasih mak n ayah..n syukur alhamdullilah.. :)
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

weeeeeeee...4 years!!

hey ho..yesterday was my 4th anniversary with shahril .. weeee..tak sangke ..sekejap je dah 4 tahun..hurmm..we've treasured a lot of things together..susah senang..suke duke..gaduh tayah ckp la..compulsory..hehe..normal la tu kot..( smtime abnormal gak ) ;P..
to recall the moments 4 years back mmg la sgt funny..erm..first kenal thru friendster..due due menipu identiti..yang haku ckp haku sekolah lain..yg die lak ckp sekolah lain..hoho..padahal satu sekolah je pon..cume tak penah bertegur sape..!!huhu..mmg best bile ingat balik especially time die nak propose tuh..sweet skit laa..skit je..21 Oct 2005 kot..he brought me out..makan2 kat hartamas..stori morry..gelak gelak..mmg tak budget lgsung la die nak express anyhting..tetibe before he sent me back..die berhentikan kereta kat tepi jalan..ingat kan ape...rupenye he proposed me... ;P blerk!!
so malam td was our 4th anniversary..pas balik keje..smpat argue lagi tu..huhu..argue manje2 je kot..due2 tarik muke..smpi kat kedai..haku turun dulu..die g surau jap..nak oleh kerana kelaparan haku yg melampau..dengan perasaan sebal nye sbb argue td..aku pon trus order char kuew tiaw..trus ngappp sorang2...tamau toleh kiri kanan dah..
punye la kusyuk aku ngap ngap smpi aku tak perasan lgsung shahril dah smpi..tau tau..die bwk kek...dgn 4 lilin menyala.. ;P he wished "hepi anniversary syg..sorry "....haku sgt terkejut..teruja haku tgk kek perot haku dah kenyang..huk huk huk..abesla diet haku.. ;P

nway,thanks u sooo much..hope evrything will be fine n going smoothly..
i knw there are alot of mistakes ive done..but to be honest,i do love willing to sacrifice for u..
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Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Distracting !!

Harini haku sgt sgt tadek mood!!! macam2 dlm kepala hotak haku..rase nak menjerit sekuat hati..rase nak sepak sepak..grrrrr.haku sgt tension..haku hypertension..bukan tak bersyukur..aku bersyukur..cuma keadaan terlalu menekan haku till i feel like im a loser ..duno why my life being soo suck lately..why why why!!! .. there are too many things happened in my life in a short while..lepas satu give up okeh !!! in 5 months left,i'm suppose to focus on the preparation happily..but what happen to me ntah!! of cos laa im sooo hepi to be his soon Mrs...cume within the waiting period neh..i just hope the miracle suddenly happen..i dun wish a PERFECT life but just a COMPLETE life as usual..please god..i knw there are lots of bad ive done..and im not deserve at all to say these..but plzz...plzz,open up the doors and show me the way before the day...plzzz... :(
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dulu dan Kini..

Heloooo...morning morning!! browse2 gambar raye ..then tetibe cam hepi n syok sndiri lak nak share gambar2 ni.. gambar ape?hehe..sabar..let me muqadimah dulu la..
( senyum simpul2 ) ekceli..haku ni sgt sgt suke melukis..bakat terpendam kot..( blerk ~ ) mmg darah seni melukis ni dah mengalir kot dlm family haku..mak ayah abg haku sume suke melukis..haku ingat lg lukisan pertama yg ayah haku ajar.."gambar perempuan pakai baju sekolah balik dari kedai"..smpi skrg haku leh ingat lukisan tuh...huhu...bile sekolah rendah haku ngan abg kedua haku la yg selalu jd pelukis dinding..tak kisah la.. kat perputakaan ke kat tembok2 ke..mesti muke abg haku ngan haku je kene buat Mural..main warne2..seronok tapi penat..huhu..pastu..kat sekolah rendah dulu..setiap bulan puase..mesti ade pertandingan melukis dgn tajuk "Bulan Ramadhan Bulan Mulia".. haa..tiap2 tahun jugak la pemenang nye abg haku dan tempat kedua jatuh kepada haku..mmg bangge gile bile adik beradik naik pentas amik hadiah "Tupperware"..hehe..tak kisah la ape hadiah pon..dipendekkan pelukis dinding a.k.a mural berterusan smpi la haku dan abg haku dah ke sekolah menengah...requested by cikgu2 sekolah rendah haku berbasikal la haku dan abg haku tiap2 pagi sabtu utk melukis dinding sekolah rendah kami.. :)~
Bile waktu cuti sekolah plak..haku dan abg-abg haku akan melukis berbagai2 bentuk kereta ciptaan tersendiri .. konon nye jangkaan kereta masa depan - 2020 le tu..ade yg pakai tayar satu..ekzos besar gedabak..siap dgn sayap..stering dalam tayar..macam2..tapi satu rekaan pon tak wujud smpi skrg.. cait !!
Di shortkan story..bile form 4 , haku nak amik course Pendidikan seni..mak haku berkeras plak tak bagi..mak haku ckp..mak haku dulu pon amik course pendidikan seni..tapi bidang tu tak meluas..hurmmm....mau tamau haku ikut je la...( tapi ye la..dulu dan skrg dah byk bezanye..teknologi skrg dah makin Art is evrywhere )..

abg haku plak pas completed his study in Alpha Multimedia ape ntah kat MMU..he got a job as Graphic Designer..n now he is an Art Director kat one of company kat wangsa maju..congrats to him..still in the path but using a computer technologies..

haku...lari plak..totally takde lukis2 dah.. dok tgk simbol2 pelik dan coding2 pelik..hehe..takpela..haku suke gak bidang programming ni cume pening utk melepaskan tensyen haku sbb tak dpt nak lukis lukis dah..haku amik kesempatan pada kakak2 ipar haku dan mak haku pada raye harituh..muahahahahua..aku pulun lukis dan kaler2 muke ni la hasil nye.. :-

ni gambar kakak ipar aku yg sulong sebelom di lukis dan dikaler..

Yg ni selepas di lukis dan dikaler2..

Ni Kakak Ipar aku yg kedua..sebelom dilukis..

Selepas si lukis..

Ni my beloved mom...before

erm..she's soooo beautiful in her age rite?.. :) ...great grandmama as well..

Yg Ni plak one of hasil lukisan haku ..Haku bg ni pd Shahril mase first anniversary kot..lupe..
Tak same pon..tapi ok le gak..hehe...

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VictoRian missing in action..

urghh..harini sgt mengantok dan bosan..pagi td cam semangat je nak buat keje..suh turun makan pon amat lah susah..kusyuk dan tawaduq abes..then bile perot dah bunyik2,turun la kat bawah neh..attend jamuan raye ( open house Pos Malaysia )..makan nasi impit 2 ketul,sate 5 cucuk dan ais kacang...demm ..too crowded! mcm pasar ramadhan Jalan,amik makanan mane yg sempat je..then 1.30 naik atas balik nak continue buat keje..tapi perot dah dlm hati berkata..leks lu la,zura...layan facebook dulu..huhu..( suara sape ntah) dah layan punye layan..tak realize lgsung dah nak dekat pkul 3..aiyakk..buat keje..buat keje..tapi tetibe teringat lak satu bnde..sebelom raye ari tuh ade browsed 1 online shopping..dr raye harituh asik crazy with the blouse.itu la..tak beli harituh dah nyesal!!.sgt cantik..turtle neck by victorian color..sgt jarang okeh but planning to wear it with chilli red satin n red inner ..dem dem dem.. :(

okeh the blouse lebeh kurang camni la..but that one fully jarang la..

the model wear it with jeans..nice also kan kan..

:( .. if u guys found the black victorian inform me keh..hehe..

Picture below :- worn by Nur Aliyah Lee( grab from rei)..yup..the material obviously different but i planned to match it look like this la.. :P ngeh ngeh ngeh..

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aku Sgt Sdey...


harini haku tak berape in mood..current mode haku : sgt sedey ..mlm td tdo umah emey..thx for tumpang kan haku emey.. :) erm..ermm?nape aku sdey??sigh....ade satu bende besar yg dah buat haku sedey..sgt2 sedey..but dun get wrong la...x related with shahril at all..instead he's the one who keep accompany me last nite..walaupon die dok buat lawak mengong die tuh time time haku tgh mandom..tapi haku tetap hepi dgr lawak mengong die mama die siap tapaw spaghetti bolognese utk maklom je la,sehari suntok tak makan finally kenyang gak..hehe..thx future mama.. ::lov::lov::

ok ok..back to current mood..what can i say here..evrything happened so so badly..and of cos i feel bad..sekelip mata je..ntah la tatau nak point to whom but this is not the rite time to blame each other.mayb salah haku..yup..but haku pon ade perasaan..ade sifat tersentuh..ade emosion..sekali kau terlepas secare terang terangan harituh,haku leh sabar..tapi haku pon manusia..and U HAVE NO RITE TO DO SO TO ME sbb sepanjang haku kenal kau,haku dah terlalu menjage setiap inci hati kau..tak pernah langsung haku nak bersuara apepe walaupon byk bnde yg secare tak sengaje kau buat haku bengang..tapi haku tak nak tegur sbb haku tanak kau rase tak comfort ngan haku...walaupon jarak umur ko jauh lebih mude dr haku..haku tak penah nak memperkotak katikkan kau..skit pon tak penah.. but i got own ego..and plus mayb mase tu mood haku tak berapa OKEH..n u did it on the wrong time..sori babe..akhirnya haku terlepas jugak..dan secare tetibe, kau ckp itu gurauan !! what ?? tapi ye seems sume org menyalahkan haku..nak wat camne..mayb ledakan bahan letupan haku tu terlalu drastik..and myb perwatakan haku yg agak aggresif compared to kau yg agak lemah lembut buat sume org merasakan haku tak patut berkasar dgn kau..yup..itu haku ngaku..tapi cube lah sekali faham walaupun se-agressif haku,haku tetap ade perasaan..sbb bg haku..haku dahhhh try jage hati kau..dahhh terlalu menjaga hati kau..dahhh terlalu beralah dgn kau..tapi haku juga manusia !!

haku mengaku haku juga ada salah dan silap haku..haku tau haku byk kelemahan dan keburukan..tapi bliv me,haku tak penah terlintas nak berkasar dgn kau dari mula haku kenal kau smpi la skrg..dan haku dah cube jage setiap pertuturan haku bile berdepan dgn kau..tapi AKU JUGA MANUSIA !!

but what ever happened..haku tetap sayang kau.. :)

hope everything will be as usual soon...amin.......
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Punch Card Aku MERAH !!

huh..menci sungguh...harini aku dah tried my best utk siap dgn cepat..mekap i just took about 15 minutes..ngeh ngeh satu kemajuan tu ! then blow rambut took 10 minutes...smpi tren stesen Taman Melati,cepat2 beratur..dgn muke yg tenang..hoho..tunngu punye tunggu,first tren pun arrived..tapi syg seribu kali syg..this tren tak benti kat stesen taman melati ..the tren drive thru terus amik passengers kat Wangsa maju..takpe..biasa dah..senyum lagi.. :)
after 4 minutes..2nd tren pon smpi n it stopped at my station..BUT..oleh kerana aku beratur di barisan yg belakang..adalah mustahil utk aku menyelinap masuk tertinggal lagi aku gayenye..takpe..takpe...tggu next tren...masih senyum lg.. :)
n again..after 5 minutes tggu..3rd tren pon sampai..berkobar2 aku kedepan..tak sabar nak merempuh masuk..tau tau tren tu drive thru depan station taman melati then direct amik passengers Wangsa maju LAGI..Demmmmm!!...cepat2 aku tgk jam..dah pkul 8!!! marah btol..tak sistematik tol schedule tren neh! bile smpi kat stesen aku je,tren dah penuh cam sardin..yg dpt masuk 2-3 org je..(tu pon tgk nasib)..yang beratur berpuluh2 org..eee...
hurmm..AGAIN..after 5 minutes cmtuh..4th tren smpi..yes..kali ni the tren stop at the station..n ape nak jadi..jadik la..aku tetap nak rempoh masuk gak..bile pintu tren bukak je..aku cepat2 nyelinap masuk..aku kecik2 kan badan..pas dah try merempuh..aku tgk separuh badan aku dlm tren..separuh lg luar tren..alamatnye mmg nak kene sepit la montot aku ngan pintu tren neh..bengang btol..kakak body builder depan aku leh tolak aku kuar dgn siku ..padahal dlm still ade ruang lg..marah die sorg aje yg keje!!mcm die ade share ngan rapidKL tu!!aku tgk Sidi dah lepas masuk dah,siap dah ke tengah2 ruang..( kebetulan Sidi satu tren ngan aku)..nak tanak..aku terpakse gune taktik kotor...aku terpakse tolak sume org depan aku n rempuh masuk ke tengah2 ruang..hehe..sory yek..main kasar alangkah puas hati aku..dpt gak aku tolak kakak td..bengang je..huk apakan daye..smpi ofis punch card tetap merah !! 8.33 minit..hampeh !!
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


uhuk uhuk....morning to all..haha..excited gile nak jot down smthing kat blog harini even nothing special to be shared maklum la..dah lame btol tak hapdet hapdet blog ni..dah terbengkalai agak lame..walhal dah macam2 yang berlaku pada aku atr sedar dan tak sedar..sangat byk okeh ! only certain person yg tau how hard i went thru the moment..super duper nitemare..but its ok la..let bygone b trying to open new page even smtimes wind blew the previous one..sigh.bliv in god,evrything happen for a reason.myb it just a surprise gift given by HIM bfore achieving a truely hapiness soon..( yey yey..waiting for the hepiness..) hurmm..but why ahhh got those person ? mayb they THINK they got a "key power" to do smthing beyond regardless other's feeling kan kan..but i definitely bliv they will feel the same suffer soon...YUP!! yang penting what comes around wil goes around..( So,QR..wait for ur turn okeh..queue up properly..)...okeh..fullstop..change mood ! blerk ~ let knw,now aku dah bekerja di Pos Malaysia as programmer..baru 3 bulan kot..ok la..a bit relax compared to Symphony la..obviously..huhu..ade la mase utk aku fun fun dan berfoya foya bersama mr Nyet..almost evryday,pas balik keje trus jumpe n dinner together..borak2,gelak2..sangat seronok skrg..hehe..kepala pon tak denyut2..ade mase nak facebooking..ade mase nak blogging..huahauhauhauha..gelak yg sangat hepi kan..Yesss..sangat ketara i really love him.we are looking forward for serious relationship soon..just 6 months to go !! so please listen here all the bitchies who look alike QR!! i knw u are D1Ck-desperado type but pls be aware which person U choose !! or else i wont hesitate to do smthing beyond!!
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Hey ho...just would like to inform all that im back now..yehuuu..
new post..see u soon...
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Terlanjur Cinta

bile aku dgr lagu ni..
aku rase the meaning sooooo dedicated to me..
the subject in the music really sooooo into me..sigh..
btol la kan..bile we are not in the situation..
we simply can say anything..
we simply can decide anything..
n now bile dah turn..rase cam bodoh lak..
mcm dilontar beribu2 batu..
tp tu la..aku tetap duduk diam..tetap tak berganjak..
now thru this song..
i knw why some ppl hard to let go something they love most..

Terlanjur Cinta - Rossa Feat Pasha

waktu bergulir lambat
merantai langkah perjalanan kita
berjuta cerita terukir dalam
menjadi sebuah dilema

mengertikah engkau
perasaanku tak terhapuskan

malam menangis
tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta

mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan
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Sunday, June 14, 2009


Ape sebenarnya yang aku rasa?ape yg sepatutnya aku buat?ape yg ada dlm hati aku skrg ni?
Satu persatu soalan dlm fikiran aku..Hari hari yang aku lalui btul2 tak seindah dulu..tak segemberia dulu..
Seakan ade sesuatu yg dah rampas sume tu.. jiwa aku kosong !! Berkali kali aku cube nak lupekan sume tu..berkali kali aku cube buang jauh2 ape yg aku dah the fact is bukanla sesenang yang kita expect..
Hakikatnya,org yang terkena lebih perit nak lupakan sume yg dah terjadi berbanding org yg melakukan..
berkali kali aku cuba jadi diri aku yang dulu tp sgt sgt sgt susah utk aku kembali seratus peratus seperti dulu.. sgt susah!!
ade perasaan yg sgt sakit dlm hati aku..namun aku tetap senyum..aku tetap ketawa.. Aku tetap cube menggembirakan suma pihak.. 
Sume org nampak aku hepi..Suma org rasa aku hepi..yup..aku hepi !!!
tp truth to be true,tak pernah sesaat pun hati aku berhenti menangis..tak pernah sesaat pun mata aku berhenti berkaca..walau dlm apa jua situasi..
To be honest,aku terpaksa berdiri kerana keluarga..Aku terpaksa berdiri kerana sayang..Aku terpaksa berdiri kerana diri aku snrdiri tak sanggup nak hilang ape yg pernah jd milik aku sndiri tak pasti dgn ape yg aku buat..
Aku tetap merancang.. aku tetap mengimpikan sesuatu..aku tetap mengangankan aku sndri tak begitu pasti btol atau tidak tindakan aku..Sume org gembira bile dgr perancangan aku terutama mereka..jelas sgt yg mereka sgt2 tak sabar..hepi bile dgr mereka take part bg opinion itu ini..
And honest..aku sndiri pun tak sabar dgn perancangan aku.. mungkin sbb aku betol2 dah bersedia..
Tp hakikatnya..dalam aku merancang, menyenaraikan itu ini..dalam aku gembira berkongsi perancangan aku, hati aku tetap menangis..
Ntah la..Sebak sgt bile dgr mereka berkali kali pesan spy lupakan sume,jadi org yang mulia,pemaaf,berkali kali mengingatkan aku yg manusia mungkin cepat terlupa..
Sedih bile dgr berkali kali mereka pesan pd aku spaya banyakkan bersabar dgn dugaan yg dtg..bykkan istifar.. bykkan salawat..urmm.. 
Thx sgt for the supportive..Tp,mereka tatau ape yg anak dorg lalui..ape yg mereka nampak segala jatuh bangun aku hanya la pd dasarnya saje.. Myb mereka rasa aku seorg anak pompuan yg lasak yg tabah mengharungi dugaan..walaucamne jatuh..walaucamne tersungkur..aku tetap akan bangun!
Setiap kali lihat die..aku btol2 rase was was..aku terasa sgt sgt kecil…aku terase aku tak layak sgt..ntahla..Mungkin sbb aku dah terlalu meletakkan harapan yg terlalu tinggi..mungkin aku dah terlalu menaruh kepercayaan yang tiada batasnya..mungkin aku terlalu mengimpikan..mungkin aku terlalu menyayangi..mungkin aku terlalu bodoh..dan bile bende camni berlaku..aku rasa segala yg aku harapkan hancur berkecai..aku rasa kosong..kosong..sgt sgt kosong..tiada satu jawapan dlm fikiran aku skrg..bukan aku tak cuba lari..bukan aku tak cuba sejauh mana aku lari pun,aku tetap rase kosong…makin kosong..makin hancur..dan jalan terbaik, kini aku hanya mampu merancang ape yang telah dirancangkan..aku hanya cube mengembalikan apa yang pernah aku agungkan..aku hanya mengikut kemana kaki ku melangkah..
Biarlah sekejam mana org buat pd aku..tuhan tu adil.. 
Mungkin skrg terlalu byk dugaan yg aku go thru..lepas satu,satu..hati aku dikecewakan..lepas satu satu..hati aku menangis..
Tp bg aku..ade insan lain yg lebih kecewa..ade insan yg lebih mnangis..
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All in One Post

huhu..what the!!
feel like a few years tak blogging2..haha..blame work!!
erm..actually,its getting late..12.14 am..yawning..sleeping..tiring..
but my blog mood is leading my head now..
its ok..just jot down what is acrossing my mind k..

erm..too many things happened to me a few months back..

first :
i dono whether i did the rite decision..
i got offer from MARA for further Master at India..that one is under SPC program ( SKim Pelajar Cemerlang)..erm..i was sooo excited at make it short,
i already attended the first interview , i prayed so hard , put very high hope n thx god, evrything went well..then a few weeks after,iv been called up for 2nd interview..but this time,dono why evrything turn to instead of my first feeling..i was really2 in the middle..feel so half half..i pon buat la smyg istikaroh..:P then tdo..zzz
but the next day tuh,i woke up,im wondering why there's nothing sign..there's nothing answer for me..sigh..( pstt..but i knw actually the answer la kan..smyg yg 5 waktu pong still tak btol..ini kan plak smyg yg extra2..that one 100% shud pointing to myself..aiyok )
so after all the hard trying,i pon do as usual,g ofis...
smpi ofis,again..i felt so tak senang duduk,sooo uncomfortable..each word playing inside my mind..
" damn zura..this chance comes to u once in ur life,how can u simply refuse to try"
all question mark is surrounding my head..( ????????? )
i felt like to scream loudly..why soooo hard?
then,dgn nekad,i trus decide to meet my bos and asked for out for a while..
but damn the time i nak ask for out,she led me first n gave me 3 tasks n all of that need to finish by that day!!
sgt2 punye pk...jam dah pkul 12 tgh hari...
:(..of cos didnt manage to rush there..sadly,i pon trus cancelled niat and nekad to clear all my desire cache..and start to naturalized myself..huhu.. mayb there's smthing good for me..i called MARA's Staff and cancelled my interview..sob sob sob..
its ok la kan...dah tadek rezeki..berkhidmat utk company..( HAMPESSS )

2nd :
i already shift house..shifted to Wangse Maju..yup.convenient.bigger. but
as for me..i dun care how big it is,but the most important is,how u grew up as a teenagers..that one is the hepy part but the saddest part is, i hav to saperate with my cats..takleh nak bwk all brownish mmg dah missing in action 2 weeks i passed to nyet so that he can look after him..the girl one i terpakse let her go.. :(

3rd :
i already tender resign from Symphony ..yehuuuuuu..
now is counting days..
i wish the day comes immediately..cannot tahan anymore all the pressure..
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pameran Pengantin di The Mall

Hye all..

Just share some good story of mine.

On 12 Mac i guess, shahril n I went to The Mall. Simply survey for our upcoming wedding at Pameran pengantin 2009.haha...i knw..long way to go..but as I said just now..Simply Survey. Plus I went there to support Kak Su from Rinsuzanna Bridal. Really admire her.

My point of authority was really really good event..especially for those yg dah nearly wed. Believe me, there are a lot of terms of bridal package, catering, make up, cards , door gift ,cake and etc . What so surprised is,you can get offers with very very reasonable price for the whole package. No need to think anything..u can sleep super duper tight then .Let the planner do the rest . :p

Haha..ok..glad to tell u guys that the day was my fiancé and my day...( I guess so.)

Huk huk huk. While we just arrived there and just started to walk around and just started to look for the best offer,we were called up to the stage .

OH_GOD..i hate this part - They asked us a few question which we didn’t even knw all the answers.haha.Then knw how we won that?? Secret weapon. - sshhyyyy..Luckily ppl around there willing to help and gave us an answer.ngeeee.. After the good effort and good co-operation from 2 parties.. we got rm1000 voucher for catering at D’Selera . As I knw, D’Selera is one of sponsorship for Wanita Hari Ini ,TV3 .is it? ermmm..not bad. Now both party are looking forward for the booking date. Thx for the D’ Selera.

forgot to bring my cam that took these pics from rinsuzana boutique..

plz feel free to browse here..

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Urghh..boredom...too max..
I reached ofis quite early ( I mean not-so-early) today even it’s raining outside. But now,im totally damn boring!!Dunno what to do since internet connection been blocked.Cant search any info , cant blogging , cant chit chat etc. Im like quaranteen and disconnected from world outside .*sigh*.
So nak tanak..i hav to PRE-BLOGGING using ms word now..bluwek.
I hav no idea how long this thing wud be last.. some department said..they are cleaning up the virus attacked n for those who need an internet shud ask for permissions .GOSH. Definitely the process wud takes a few steps –

1st step - see team leader and buat muke kesian
2nd step - fill up service request form
3rd step - get approval from head department ( psst - im pretty sure we will be asked a few ques again – so jerk! )
4th step - go upstair fasterly to Technical Dept and send a form while smiling..ngeeeeeee..
5th step - “ok,leave your form inside the box and we will up your connection soooooon..”…- S.N.A.R.L

But some said,internet connection could be accessed and back to normal soon .oh-yes..i hope they will choose this option..praying..i feel like frog under coconut cover okeh.
Come to ofis n only look at “weird symbols” then work n work n work ..
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Saturday, February 21, 2009



this time,im very sure there's smthing problem with my connection..or mayb my laptop..
urghh..sgt2 tension..
excuse me,im so so snarl to read these word..-"The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."..damn!!damn!!

i planned to upload some pics here..i planned to upload my profile pic..but failed..!!!!

is it because of smthg malicious called V.I.R.U.S?
naaa..i always update the antivirus..always.. -oh no no no i cant answer how superb the antivirus though..

erm..bit tension..bluwekss..
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